Late-Add Policies

Students cannot be added to courses after each semester’s open-add period unless they have a significant extenuating circumstance, such as:

  • International students with less than full-time status who are facing deportation
  • ROTC, National Guard, or other students with military orders
  • Student-athletes with training schedule conflicts documented by their academic coordinator
  • Students graduating that semester or students close to graduation who need repeat credit.

Students meeting the above criteria must submit their requests, using this link, by 4:00 pm on the eighth day of the semester.  Requests beyond that date will not be considered.  Late-add requests for courses at maximum enrollment will not be considered.

Please note, documentation from the student’s advisor, confirming the reason for the request, is required.  Late-Adds also require approvals from course instructors; IAH will contact the instructor on the student’s behalf; please do not contact instructors directly to request late-add approvals. Lastly, due to the compressed time frame for summer IAH courses, we will not grant late-adds for summer courses.