Late-Add Policies

We will NOT add students to courses after the open-add period at the start of the fall and spring semesters without written confirmation of need for late-add enrollment from the student’s academic adviser.

We will try to accommodate students in the following categories:

  • International students with less than full-time status who are facing deportation
  • ROTC, National Guard, or other students with military orders
  • Athletes who need a schedule change to attend practice
  • Students graduating that semester or students close to graduation who need repeat credit.

In all cases, the deadline for late-adds is established by the Office of the Registrar.  Due to the compressed time frame for summer IAH courses, we will not grant late-adds for summer courses.


Late-Adds for Online IAH Courses

IAH will not authorize late-adds to online courses once the open-add period ends at the beginning of each semester.